Our Disclosures
This section contains details of lists and registers that the ARTF is required to hold by law and other disclosures that relate to the function of the agency.
Freedom of Information Disclosure Log
The ARTF Freedom of Information Disclosure log lists our responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 from 1 May 2011.
There has been one request made to the ARTF under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 from May 2011.
Freedom of Information Disclosure Log
Other disclosures include:
- A plan for the Information Publication Scheme.
- Details of ARTF functions, including decision-making powers and other powers affecting members of the public.
- Annual Reports.
- Details of arrangements for members of the public to comment on specific policy proposals for which the ARTF is responsible, including how (and to whom) those comments may be made.
- Information which the ARTF routinely provides to the Parliament in response to requests and orders.
- Details of officers who can be contacted about access to information or documents under the FOI Act.
- Our operational information insofar as it extends to our exercising functions and powers in making decisions or recommendations which affect members of the public – for example, any rules, guidelines, practices or precedents relating to those decisions or recommendations.
- Contact information online for both FOI and Information Publication Scheme processes, which will include telephone contacts, email and postal addresses.